Legal English

What are you looking for?

Preparation course for

TransLegal courses

based on the textbooks Introduction to International Legal English or International Legal English


Legal Terminology Courses

Legal English

Translation Course

Legal English


TOLES stands for 'Test of Legal English Skills'.

TOLES helps verify your knowledge of Legal English at three levels of difficulty. Such a qualification may prove useful for lawyers and law students, as well as those legal institutions needing to test the language skills of their staff.

The TOLES exams are jointly owned by Cambridge Law Studio Limited and Global Legal English Limited

My offer involves individual and group training courses preparing candidates for all the three levels of TOLES.

In my courses I use original TOLES materials, as well as my own materials adapted to the requirements of a particular course and the needs of a particular student or group.

The courses may be held online or in a classroom, and the intensity and length of the course can be tailored to individual needs.

On conclusion of the course, each participant receives a Certificate of Completion.

My offer involves individual and group courses based on the textbooks Introduction to International Legal English or International Legal English

The course, its intensity and length, as well as the selection of topics may be shaped according to the needs of the student(s).

Therefore, it may take the form of an express course of 12 x 90-minute or 24 x 90-minute units focusing on selected topics; a full-length two-year study programme; or a super-intensive two-day seminar of 8 x 75-minute sessions for groups or individual lawyers.

The courses may be held online or in a classroom, and the intensity and length of the course can be tailored to individual needs.

Each course begins and ends with a specialist Legal English Audit test developed by TransLegal.

On conclusion of the course, each participant receives a Certificate of Completion.

My offer involves individual and group courses in legal terminology designed by TransLegal or based on TransLegal materials, e.g. Company Law, Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law, Legal English for Legal Support Staff, and Legal English for LLM Students

The courses may be held online or in a classroom, and the intensity and length of the course can be tailored to individual needs.

Each course begins and ends with a specialist Legal English Audit test developed by TransLegal.

On conclusion of the course, each participant receives a Certificate of Completion.

My offer involves individual and group courses in legal translation, where I use my own original materials and share the practical and theoretical knowledge that I have gathered over the years of my translation work, including that of a sworn translator.

The programme of the course consists of learning to translate contracts, deeds, court documents, powers of attorney or company formation documents from Polish into English and from English into Polish.

During the course, we work on real life documents and the plan for each session includes translation, discussion and evaluation of the translations.

The courses may be held online or in a classroom.

On conclusion of the course, each participant receives a Certificate of Completion.

My offer involves individual and group sessions that can cover topics related to law, business, finance, politics, or any other issues that may be of interest to lawyers and law students.

We can therefore talk about the rule of law in Poland and Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal, the US and European debate about green policy, the future of NATO and a new defence policy, or we can prepare you for your next job interview or an important conference speech to your investors.

The courses may be held online or in a classroom.

On conclusion of the course, each participant receives a Certificate of Completion.